Please note: The information on this page refers to the old XOIP voice service (the green site). A new version of the voice service is currently under construction, and will be announced soon. This page will then be updated accordingly.
Voicemail support
If a call comes in to your XOIP number, XOIP will try to connect the call to the telephone number which is active at that time. If it cannot connect to you, or you do not pick up, the call will go to voicemail. If you do not forward your calls, XOIP voicemail will pick up automatically.
You can set how long XOIP rings your phone before diverting to voicemail.
Greeting your callers
Your number will automatically invite your caller to leave a message by way of the standard greeting “Welcome to the XOIP mailbox of 012 345 6789, please leave a message after the tone.”
You can record your own personal greeting, that XOIP will use to greet your callers.
XOIP allows you to record a temporary greeting, that you can use, for example, if you are on vacation or out of the country. It is very easy to switch between your regular and temporary greetings.
Voicemails in your email
Your voicemails are sent to your email as .wav attachments. These can be listened to on your PC.
Accessing your voicemail from your mobile phone
If you call your XOIP number from your mobile phone, XOIP will recognise you. You will hear your new messages, and then be taken to the main menu.
To be recognised, it’s important that your mobile phone number is set in your number settings.
Note that XOIP will not recognise you from your fixed phone, for security reasons. To call from your fixed phone, see below.
Accessing your voicemail from a different phone
Dial your own XOIP number. You will hear your greeting inviting you to leave a voicemail.
- Press
- Enter your PIN
- Press
- You will be taken to the main menu.
If you have new messages, these will be played. You will then be taken to the main menu.
You were assigned a numeric PIN when you signed up for your XOIP number. You can update this PIN on the website. Note that the password that you use to log into the website is not the same as your PIN.
Listening to your voicemail
The main menu
You are taken to the main menu after you finish listening to your messages. You can get back to the main menu at any time by pressing .
From the main menu, you can press
to access your new messages
to access your old messages and memos
to record a memo
to record and choose your greeting message
to clean up your mailbox
to set your forwarding options
to change your voicemail language
Navigating new and old messages
From the main menu, press or
to get to your new or old messages.
Press to hear a list of of options.
You can press
to go to the previous messages
to replay the current message
to go to the next messages
for details of the call
to resend the message to your email
to delete the message
Recording a memo
From the main menu, press to record a memo and send it to your email. Your memo will also be stored in your mailbox, with your old messages.
Record your memo after the tone, and press .
Recording and changing your greeting
From the main menu, press to enter the greeting menu.
You can choose to have your callers greeted by
- the standard greeting
- your personal greeting
- your temporary greeting
The standard greeting is active by default. Callers will be greeted with “This is the XOIP mailbox of 012 345 6789 (your number). Please leave a message after the tone. When done, hang up or press the hash key.”
to record, or activate your personal greeting

You may decide to record a temporary greeting, to use for example when you are on vacation or overseas. XOIP allows you to easily switch between your regular and temporary greeting.
Press to record or activate a temporary greeting.
Cleaning up your mailbox
From the main menu, press to clean up your mailbox.
You can then press
to mark all new messages as old
to delete all old messages
to delete all new messages
Forwarding your calls
From the main menu, press to access the forwarding menu.
to forward calls to your XOIP number directly to voicemail.
to forward calls to your XOIP number to the phone you are calling from.
to forward your calls to a different number. You will be prompted to enter the number.
to set your number to receive only faxes.
Changing your voicemail language
From the main menu, press to enter the language menu.
for English.
for Dutch.